WCW World War 3 '96
Matches for World War 3 '96
no. | match | duration | match type | title(s) | rating |
1 | Ultimate Dragon | def. (pin) | Rey Misterio, Jr. | 13:48 | | J-Crown Championship
| ****½ |
2 | Chris Jericho | def. (pin) | Nick Patrick | 08:02 | | | *¼ |
3 | The Giant | def. (pin) | Jeff Jarrett | 06:05 | | | *¼ |
4 | Booker T. & Stevie Ray | def. (pin) | Jacques Rougeau & Pierre Ouellette | 09:14 | | | ¾* |
5 | Sister Sherri | def. (CO) | Colonel Robert Parker | 01:30 | | | |
6 | Dean Malenko | def. (pin) | Psychosis | 14:33 | | WCW Cruiserweight Championship
| **¾ |
7 | Kevin Nash & Scott Hall | def. (pin) | Meng & The Barbarian, Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags | 16:08 | triangle tag | WCW World Tag Team Titles
| ½* |
8 | The Giant | def. | Alex Wright, Arn Anderson, Big Bubba, Bobby Eaton, Booker T., Bunkhouse Buck, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Ciclope, David Taylor, Dean Malenko, Diamond Dallas Page, Disco Inferno, Eddy Guerrero, Galaxy, Hugh Morrus, Ice Train, Jack Boot, Jacques Rougeau, Jeff Jarrett, Jim Duggan, Jim Powers, Jimmy Graffiti, Joe Gomez, Johnny Grunge, Juventud Guerrera, Kenny Kaos, Kevin Nash, Kevin Sullivan, Konnan, La Parka, Lex Luger, Lord Steven Regal, Marcus Bagwell, Mark Starr, Meng, Michael Wallstreet, Mike Enos, Mr. JL, Pez Whatley, Pierre Ouellette, Prince Iaukea, Rey Misterio, Jr., Rick Steiner, Roadblock, Robbie Rage, Ron Studd, Scott Hall, Scott Norton, Scotty Riggs, Sgt. Craig Pittman, Steve McMichael, Stevie Ray, Syxx, The Barbarian, The Renegade, Tony Rumble, Ultimate Dragon, Villano IV | 28:21 | battle royale (3-ring, 60 person) | | ½* |
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Match ratings listed above are from Dave Meltzer's highly respected
Wrestling Observer Newsletter.
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