OTT Loco Rumble
Matches for Loco Rumble
no. | match | duration | match type | title(s) | rating |
1 | Sammy D (c) | def. | Flash Morgan Webster | | | OTT World Title
| |
2 | Session Moth Martina (c) | def. (DQ) | Anita Vaughn | | | OTT Women's Title
| |
3 | Renzo Rose (c) | def. | Robbie X. | | | OTT No Limits Title
| |
4 | Matthew Smyth & Sean Guinness | def. | B-Cool (c) & Danny Cross (c) | | | OTT Tag Team Titles (title change) | |
5 | B-Cool | def. | Alex Grayson, Andy Steel, Aonghus Og McAnally, Big Bad Dirty Nicky, Bittersweet Josh, Boots Murphy, C. J. West, Calum Black, Captain Sexsea, Charles Crowley, Cian Noonan, Damien Corvin, Fabio, Goldenboy Santos, Grado, Ilija Zarkov, Jay, JB, Joe Cabray, Justy, Leyton Buzzard, Liamo, Logan Bryce, Man Like DeReiss, Martin Steers, Matthew Smyth, Noah Walker, Omari, Owen Richards, Paddy M, Ravie Davie, Sean Guinness, Terry Thatcher, The Sem, Tye Clodd, Workie | | Rumble | | |
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