IWTV Southeast First Uncharted Territory: Season 4 Episode 11
Matches for Southeast First Uncharted Territory: Season 4 Episode 11
no. | match | duration | match type | title(s) | rating |
1 | Tank | def. | Kerry Morton | | | | |
2 | Kevin Ku | def. | BoJack | | | | |
3 | Noah Hossman | def. | Jay Lucas | | Discovery Gauntlet Match | | |
4 | Adam Priest | def. | Anthony Henry | | | | |
5 | Jaden Newman | def. | Ash Bennett, Ashton Starr, Billie Starkz, Billy Tipton, Bobby Flaco, Brandon Williams, Brogan Finlay, Carson Dillbeck, Diego Hill, Dillon McQueen, Erron Wade, Hunter Drake, Kenzie Paige, Kody Manhorn, Krule, Merrik Donovan, Nick Iggy, Pete Youngblood, Rico Gonzalez, Rob Killjoy, Sean Campbell, Suge D., Tre Havoc, White Mike | | Rumble | | |
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