NWA Crockett Cup 2023 - Day 2
Matches for Crockett Cup 2023 - Day 2
no. | match | duration | match type | title(s) | rating |
1 | A. J. Cazana (c) & Anthony Andrews (c) | def. (pin) | Arez & Toxin, Blake Troop & Jax Dane, Brady Pierce & Rolando Freeman, Daisy Kill & Talos, Dak Draper & Mims, Hale Collins & Vik Dalishus, Jay Bradley & Wrecking Ball Legursky, Terrell Hughes & Terrence Hughes | 17:42 | pre-show tag team gauntlet | NWA United States Tag Team Titles
| |
2 | Thrillbilly Silas | def. (pin) | Dan Maff | 05:42 | pre-show | | |
3 | Madi (c) & Missa Kate (c) | def. (pin) | Angelina Love & Max the Impaler | 07:08 | pre-show | NWA Women’s World Tag Team Championship
| |
4 | Ruthie Jay | def. (DQ) | Kenzie Paige (c) | 05:02 | pre-show | NWA Women's Television Championship
| |
5 | Myzteziz Jr. & Octagon Jr. | def. (pin) | Ruffo The Clown & Yabo the Clown | 04:10 | | | |
6 | Mike Knox & Trevor Murdoch | def. (pin) | Kerry Morton & Ricky Morton | 05:03 | | | |
7 | Chris Adonis & Tyrus | def. (pin) | Kratos & Odinson | 07:43 | | | |
8 | Carnage & Damage | def. (pin) | Bestia 666 & Mecha Wolf 450 | 05:56 | | | |
9 | EC3 (c) | def. (pin) | Thom Latimer | 11:37 | | NWA National Heavyweight Championship
| |
10 | Colby Corino | def. (pin) | Eric Jackson, Flip Gordon, Gaagz the Gymp, Jarron Fulton, Joe Alonzo, P. J. Hawx | 10:52 | 7-way | | |
11 | Carnage & Damage | def. (pin) | Myzteziz Jr. & Octagon Jr. | 06:00 | | | |
12 | Mike Knox & Trevor Murdoch | def. (pin) | Chris Adonis & Tyrus | 07:53 | | | |
13 | The Masked Mystery Man | def. (TKO) | Cyon | 08:05 | unsanctioned | | |
14 | Kamille (c) | def. (pin) | Natalia Markova | 12:54 | | NWA Womens Title
| |
15 | Mike Knox & Trevor Murdoch | def. (pin) | Carnage & Damage | 09:55 | | | |
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