Camp Leapfrog The Trail Mixer
Matches for The Trail Mixer
no. | match | duration | match type | title(s) | rating |
1 | Blaxstrom & Skyros | def. | Lucas DiSangro & Markus Skyler | 07:55 | pre-show | | |
2 | Cornelius Crummels & Janai Kai & The Whisper | def. | Nolo Kitano & Sonny deFarge & Yoya | 08:33 | 6-person tag | | |
3 | Travis Huckabee | def. | Becca | 09:14 | | | |
4 | Abby Jane & Dan Champion | def. | Pancakes & The Crusher | 08:28 | | | |
5 | CC Boost | def. | Jet Jaghori | 07:29 | | | |
6 | Boomer Hatfield (c) & Shea McCoy (c) | def. | Jay Lyon & Midas Black | 08:59 | | Camp Leapfrog Campeonatos de Ranas Title
| |
7 | BLANK | def. | Edith Surreal, Masha Slamovich | 08:12 | three-way | | |
8 | Max ZERO | def. | ABBS, Athrun Amada, Ben Ruten, Darius Carter, Devantes, Eel O'Neal, Ethan Wilde, Francis Wright, Green Ant II, Greywolf Raventhorne, Johnny Moran, Julius Smokes, Kaia McKenna, Kamen MK, King Crab, Lance Steel, Little Mean Kathleen, Mach10, Matt Makowski, Merlok, Myles Millennium, Phil Stamper, Razerwyng, Ron Voyage, Ryan Mooney, Saber Dorado, Skiff, The Boar, The Golden Terror, The Spoiler, Thief Ant, Tommy Vecs, WarWulf Kreed | 45:52 | The Trail Mixer Match | | |
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