AIW Gauntlet For The Gold 16
Matches for Gauntlet For The Gold 16
no. | match | duration | match type | title(s) | rating |
1 | Austin James | def. | Vik Vice | | dark | | |
2 | Elijah Dean (c) & Zach Nystrom (c) | def. | Calvin G. Lewis & Malcolm Cambridge | | | AIW Tag Team Championship
| |
3 | Dominic Garrini | def. | Kaplan | | | | |
4 | Joshua Bishop | def. | Tom Lawlor | | casket | | |
5 | Joseline Navarro | def. | Miyu Yamashita | | | | |
6 | Derek Dillinger (c) | def. | Shaw Mason | | | AIW Intense Championship
| |
7 | Matt Cardona (c) | def. | Sam Holloway | | | AIW Absolute Championship
| |
8 | Isaiah Broner | def. | Arthur McArthur, Austin James, Bill Alfonso, Brian Carson, Calvin G. Lewis, Chuck Stone, Derek Dillinger, Dominic Garrini, Dr. Daniel C. Rockingham, Elijah Dean, Jerry, Joshua Bishop, Kaplan, Magnum CK, Malcolm Cambridge, Marino Tenaglia, Marion Fontaine, Mikey Montgomery, PB Smooth, Philly Collins, Shaw Mason, Steph De Lander, The Duke, Tom Lawlor, Tyson Riggs, Vik Vice, Wes Barkley, Zach Nystrom, Ziggy Haim | | "Gauntlet For The Gold" | | |
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