Brandon P.Net
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| Name: Brandon Pinion | Preferred Name: Brandon P.Net |
Date Of Birth: Unknown | Place of Birth: Unknown, California, United States |
Nationality: USA | Gender: Male |
Matches: 15 (0 Pay Per View) |
Ring Name(s): Brandon P.Net, Brandon Pinion |
Brandon P.Net
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2011Matches Shown: 1 to 15 of 15 (
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Title Matches:
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card/ date | match | match type | title(s) |
APW Kristmas Kaos '11 Dec 3rd 2011 | A. J. Kirsch & Brandon P.Net & Jody Kristofferson | def. (pin) | Mikey Jay & Mr. Wrestling IV & Sir Samurai | 6-person tag | |
APW Gym Wars Jul 16th 2011 | Dalton Frost | def. (pin) | Brandon P.Net | | |
APW Gym Wars May 6th 2011 | Brandon P.Net | def. | Daniel Torch | | |
APW Young Lions Cup Tournament '11 Apr 1st 2011 | Perry Von Vicious | def. (pin) | Brandon P.Net | | Young Lions Cup (title change) |
APW Young Lions Cup Tournament '11 Apr 1st 2011 | Brandon P.Net | def. (pin) | Will Rood | | |
APW Young Lions Cup Tournament '11 Apr 1st 2011 | Brandon P.Net | def. (pin) | Levi Shapiro | | |
APW Kristmas Kaos '10 Dec 4th 2010 | Rik Luxury | def. (pin) | Brandon P.Net | | |
APW Gym Wars Nov 13th 2010 | Jody Kristofferson | def. | Adam Thornstowe, Alexis Darevko, Brandon P.Net, Chicano Flame, Corvus, Dave Dutra, Dylan Drake, Larry Blackwell, Levi Shapiro, Luster The Legend, Matt Carlos, Mikey Jay, Mr. Wrestling IV, OMEGA, Rik Luxury, Timothy Thatcher, Vennis DeMarco, Will Rood | Battle Royal | |
APW Gym Wars Nov 13th 2010 | Mr. Wrestling IV | def. (pin) | Brandon P.Net | | |
APW Gym Wars Jul 9th 2010 | Brandon P.Net | def. (pin) | Junior Morales | | |
APW Gym Wars May 8th 2010 | Matt Carlos | def. (pin) | Brandon P.Net | | |
APW Young Lions Cup Tournament '10 Apr 10th 2010 | Jody Kristofferson | def. (pin) | Brandon P.Net | | |
APW Gym Wars Nov 7th 2009 | Adam Thornstowe & Luster The Legend | def. (pin) | Brandon P.Net & Rik Luxury | | |
APW Gym Wars Nov 7th 2009 | Jeckles The Jester | def. (pin) | Brandon P.Net | | |
APW Gauntlet To The Gold '09 Sep 26th 2009 | Malachi | def. (pin) | Adam Thornstowe & Jeckles The Jester & Luster The Legend & Christina Von Eerie & Vinny Massaro & Cory Dayton & Derek Sanders & Junior Morales & Corvus Ventura & Tyson Thompson & MPT & OMEGA & Oliver John & Brandon P.Net & Dave Dutra & Larry Blackwell & Matt Carlos & Rik Luxury & Jody Kristofferson | Gauntlet | |
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