The Internet Wrestling Database

Detailed PWI Monthly Ratings for Corporal Kirchner

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starWWF rankings for Corporal Kirchner

IssuePeriod EndingPositionDifference from previous issue
November 1986Jul 24th, 198610N/A

starStampede rankings for Corporal Kirchner

IssuePeriod EndingPositionDifference from previous issue
March 1988Nov 4th, 19872N/A
April 1988Dec 4th, 19873-1

starUSWA rankings for Corporal Kirchner

IssuePeriod EndingPositionDifference from previous issue
December 1991Aug 16th, 19918N/A

starUWF rankings for Corporal Kirchner

IssuePeriod EndingPositionDifference from previous issue
August 1991Apr 19th, 19917N/A

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