wXw Westside Dojo: Sportfest Auf Dem Altmarkt Oberhausen
Matches for Westside Dojo: Sportfest Auf Dem Altmarkt Oberhausen
no. | match | duration | match type | title(s) | rating |
1 | Steve Valentino & The Rotation | def. | Kevin Roadster & Marius van Beethoven | 11:30 | | | |
2 | Jurn Simmons & Kim Ray | def. | Robert Schild & Vincent Schild | 12:13 | | | |
3 | Chris Brookes & Jonathan Gresham | def. | Johnny Evers & Toby Blunt | 08:15 | | | |
4 | Toby Blunt | def. | Young Money Chong | 03:58 | | | |
5 | Chris Brookes & Jonathan Gresham & Nixon Newell | def. | Karsten Beck & Tyler Bate | 11:26 | handicap tag | | |
6 | Kim Ray | def. | The Rotation | 07:37 | | | |
7 | Toby Blunt | def. | Chris Brookes, Johnny Evers, Jonathan Gresham, Jurn Simmons, Karsten Beck, Kevin Roadster, Kim Ray, La Rotation, Le Rotation, Marius van Beethoven, Nixon Newell, Robert Schild, Steve Valentino, The Rotation, Tyler Bate, Vincent Schild, Young Money Chong | 19:45 | Rumble | | |
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