GLCW Casablanca Rumble 2023
Matches for Casablanca Rumble 2023
no. | match | duration | match type | title(s) | rating |
1 | Jordan Kross | def. | Manny Domingo | | | | |
2 | Mr. America | def. | Ryan Kross | | | | |
3 | Luscious Lawrence & Tony Gunn | def. | Jay DeNiro & Ragnar the Ruthless | | | | |
4 | Harley Jane | def. | Tiffany Nieves | | | | |
5 | Doug Basham | def. | TW3 | | | | |
6 | Kal Herro (c) | def. | Drew Hernandez | | | OVW Rush Championship
| |
7 | Mike Curkov | def. | Doug Basham, Drew Hernandez, Harley Jane, Jay DeNiro, Jordan Kross, Kal Herro, Luscious Lawrence, Manny Domingo, Mr. America, Ragnar the Ruthless, Ryan Kross, Tony Gunn, TW3 | | Rumble | | |
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