CZW Cage Of Death 22
Matches for Cage Of Death 22
no. | match | duration | match type | title(s) | rating |
1 | Juni Underwood | def. (pin) | Anthony Gangone, Athan Promise, Brando Lee, Brew Vallon, Chris White, James Gray, Jarett Diaz, Jay Sky, Jermaine, Jimmy Controversy, Matt Quay, Miles Penn, Mookie Summers, Myles Hawkins, Nicco Grey, Nigel Carter, Ryan Ryzz, Samwell Thompson, Shawn Knyte, Troy Parker | 33:27 | 21-Person Elimination Scramble | | |
2 | Jada Stone & Journey Burke | def. (pin) | Cosmic & Valerie Verman | 12:18 | | | |
3 | Griffin McCoy | def. (pin) | Richard Adonis | 17:50 | | | |
4 | Rich Swann | def. (pin) | Lince Dorado | 19:15 | | | |
5 | Brandon Watts (c) & Randy Summers (c) | def. (pin) | Mike Walker & Vinny Talotta | 13:28 | | CZW Tag Team Titles
| |
6 | Eran Ashe (c) | def. (pin) | Desean Pratt, KENTA | 10:14 | three-way | CZW Championship
| |
7 | Tarzan Duran | def. (pin) | Dimitri Alexandrov, Dr. Redacted, J. J. Allin | 21:59 | Four-Way Ultraviolent Match | | |
8 | Judge Joe Dred | def. (pin) | Mickie Knuckles | 11:40 | "Cage of Death" | | |
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