APW Gym Wars
Matches for Gym Wars
no. | match | duration | match type | title(s) | rating |
1 | Derek Sanders | def. | Mike Rayne, Corvus, Dave Dutra, Christina Von Eerie, Dan Danielson, J-Streets, Larry Blackwell, The TapOut Kid, Rik Luxury, Jeckles The Jester, Will Rood, Vennis DeMarco, Junior Morales, Matt Carlos | | Battle Royal | | |
2 | Dalton Frost & Vinny Massaro | draw (NC) | Malachi & Oliver John | | | | |
3 | Timothy Thatcher (c) | def. (pin) | Kid Omega | | mask vs. title | APW Worldwide Internet Title
| |
4 | Dylan Drake (c) | def. (pin) | Mr. Wrestling IV | 25:00 | | APW Universal Heavyweight Championship
| |
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