The Internet Wrestling Database

Shoichi Ichimiya

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Shoichi Ichimiya
Name: Shoichi Ichimiya Preferred Name: Shoichi Ichimiya
Date Of Birth: Feb 14th 1969Place of Birth: Japan Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Nationality: JPNGender: Male
Matches: 309 (1 Pay Per View)
Ring Name(s): Agibono, Agira Hokuto, Atsushi Ogita, Genigiro Tenryu, Gi Nakano, Gibessan,
Gill Nakano, Ginsei Shinzaki, Gintaro Ichimiya, Ginya Hashimoto, Gizobono, Hulk Hogin,
Joagie Laurer, Keigi Muto, Kokugi Muto, Kurt Angile, Maginum Tokyo, MIKAGI,
Mitsuharu Gisawa, Mr. Amegica, Poison Ichimiya Gyulie, Poison Ichimiya Jugie, Rigi Choshu, Rusher Gimura,
Sansgiro Takagi, Shark Tsugiya, Shingiro Otani, Shinya Hasgimoto, Shoichi Ichimiya, Super Gichu Power,
Yoshigiro Takayama

starShoichi Ichimiya during 1998

Promotion Search: AllAJPWBJW/DDTDDTWAR
Year Search: All199820032004200520082016
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