The Internet Wrestling Database

Jazzy Gabert

Profile & Match ListingFacts & StatsPWI RatingsOpponents & PartnersWin/Loss RecordStar RatingsWin TypesRelationsPPV
Jazzy Gabert
Name: Marie Kristin Gabert Preferred Name: Jazzy Gabert
Date Of Birth: Jun 4th 1982Place of Birth: Germany Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Nationality: GERGender: Female
Matches: 131 (2 Pay Per View)
Ring Name(s): Jazzy Bi, Jazzy Gabert, The Alpha Female

starAWR matches wrestled by Jazzy Gabert during 2008

Year Search: All20032007200820092012201320142016201720182019
Matches Shown: 1 to 10 of 12 (firstprevnextlast) ... Results per page: 102550100250All ... Sort: newest firstoldest first ... Title Matches: Click to View
card/ datematchmatch typetitle(s)
France AWR Halloween Revenge Tour '08 - Day 8
Nov 11th 2008
The Alpha Femaledef. Lisa Fury
France AWR Halloween Revenge Tour '08 - Day 7
Nov 10th 2008
Lisa Furydef. The Alpha Female
France AWR Halloween Revenge Tour '08 - Day 6
Nov 9th 2008
Lisa Furydef. The Alpha Female
France AWR Halloween Revenge Tour '08 - Day 5
Nov 8th 2008
Lisa Furydef. The Alpha Female
France AWR Halloween Revenge Tour '08 - Day 4
Nov 6th 2008
Lisa Furydef. The Alpha Female
France AWR Halloween Revenge Tour '08 - Day 3
Nov 5th 2008
Lisa Furydef. The Alpha Female
France AWR Halloween Revenge Tour '08 - Day 2
Nov 4th 2008
The Alpha Femaledef. Lisa Fury
Republic of Ireland AWR Rampage Tour '08 - Day 6: Matinee
Mar 19th 2008
The Alpha Femaledef. Jenny Sjodin
Republic of Ireland AWR Rampage Tour '08 - Day 6: Evening
Mar 19th 2008
Jenny Sjodindef. The Alpha Female
Republic of Ireland AWR Rampage Tour '08 - Day 5
Mar 18th 2008
Jenny Sjodindef. The Alpha Female

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